
This policy shall be applicable to all activities pursued by the Coalition, either directly or indirectly, physically or virtually.

The term “activity” shall include all endeavors relating to a specific activity from the stage of preparation until its implementation and evaluation, and all actions related directly or indirectly to announcing the activity or publishing any corresponding content.

Content (of the Coalition and its Members)

The content published by the Coalition shall consist of content either created by the Coalition itself or any of its members. In the latter case, the Coalition may choose to repost such content on its website or social media accounts. In either case, such content shall be related either directly or indirectly to the Coalition’s objective and scope of work, i.e. the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

The Coalition’s logo shall be used across all print or digital content issued by the Coalition, including videos, images, graphs, research and studies, and any other publication.

When re-posting a member’s content, the Coalition’s logo may be placed on such content with the consent of the Coalition’s members, including the owner of the content.

For the purpose of regulating the use of the Coalition’s logo, detailed guidelines shall be drafted, including but not limited to specifications on the logo size, measurements, position, and use of colors.

Open Access to Content

According to the Policy on Open Access to Information, publications made available by the Coalition shall be open-source to allow users to use them in any way, except for commercial purposes, provided that they cite the source. In the event that the source is not cited, the Coalition reserves the right to resort to the legal procedures in place for the protection of intellectual property, either directly by the Coalition or indirectly through one of its members.

The same provisions above shall apply to reposting content created by a Coalition member.

The Coalition’s Website

A separate website for the Coalition shall be developed and dedicated to publishing content relating to the Coalition. Content may also be published on any or all social media platforms, as needed.

The website shall be managed by SMEX until otherwise decided, with the support of the Coalition’s member organizations, as needed and as agreed.

The Coalition’s Social Media Accounts

Accounts may be created for the Coalition on any and all social media platforms, as needed, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The said accounts shall be used to publish content relating to the Coalition or any of its members, with their consent, provided that such content is related, either directly or indirectly, to the Coalition’s objective and scope of work.

The Coalition’s social media accounts shall be managed by SMEX until otherwise decided, with the support of the Coalition’s member organizations, as needed and as agreed.